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The Louisiana Federation of Teachers' 53rd Annual Convention will be held on November 18-20 at the Sheveport Convention Center in Shreveport.


Dear Colleagues:


As I am sure you are aware, the special session called by Governor Edwards began a few days ago.  And for those of you who follow political activities, the predictable pushing and shoving between the political parties (and various special interest groups) is on full display.  (Such is the nature of politics.)


Without belaboring all of that in this message, I simply want to let you know that the Louisiana Federation of Teachers, with which the UFCT is affiliated, is actively involved in monitoring and supporting our welfare during this special session.  While it is impossible


Send a letter to the editor!


Louisiana faces a lot of problems in this legislative session.

But unions that represent the voices of teachers, school employees, firefighters, police officers and other public servants aren't one of them.

Please click here to learn more and send your newspaper a letter opposing schemes to silence the voices of public employees.

Take Action: Make your voice heard


Make your views known to those in Congress and state legislatures who represent you on the issues that affect working families every day.  Visit the AFT's Take Action page.

LFT is widely recognized as the most effective representative for teachers and school employees. That's why the Federation is our state's largest education organization. MORE

Repeal WEP and GPO: Stop Penalizing Our Teachers and Public Employees


Everyone deserves a secure retirement, especially those who devoted their career to public service. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) threatens that by substantially reducing or eliminating the EARNED social security benefits of the millions of retired teachers and public employees who contributed to Social Security through other employment. Thousands more are penalized every year as they retire from public service because their state, municipality, or school district does not participate in the Social Security system.

This unfair penalty also contributes to the current teacher and educator shortages, as it serves as a disincentive for those looking to join the ranks of teachers as a second career when they learn that the WEP-GPO penalty will jeopardize their earned Social Security benefits if they enter the classroom.

Click here to sign the petition.

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